Friday, December 18, 2009

Hannah Elaine has arrived.

So sorry it's taken me this long. I am simply exhausted. Happy as can be. But bone tired.

So here is what happened.

The amnio on thursday came back great. C/S was scheduled first thing in the morning. we had to be at the hospital at six a.m. to do pre-op stuff.

It was a hard night. I was contracting all night, but too tired to time and didn't want to go to the hospital for the fourth time to be sent home to wait for the morning. Plus I didn't know who was on call and I wanted my doc to deliver her. So I waited them out. up most of the night.

We arrived at the hospital, got settled into our room and I was hooked up for monitoring. Dang if I wasn't contracting 3-4 minutes apart consistently. luckily since I was having a c/s shortly they didn't have to check my cervix. yeah. I'm done with people messing down there. Sorry hubby you are out of luck.

The c/s went well except for me getting sick from all the pressure. I could feel everything unlike Bug. With Bug it was an emergency and I was pretty drugged up on pain meds. which sucked cause I dont remember much. With Hannah I remember everything. It was amazing.

Stats for my beautiful girl.

Hannah Elaine born 12/11/09 weighing 6 LBS 2 oz, 18 inches long.

She came out rooting right away. There was one scare later in the day when her sugars dropped to 35 (suppose to be above 50) and she was given formula instead of breast milk and recovered quickly. still scary.

she also failed her hearing test on the right side, but was told this is common with c/s and build up in the ear. they also said that they think the machine wasn't working right b/c it said she was moving but she was sound asleep during the test. so i am not suppose to worry. big sigh...riiiiight.

Today marks her one week birthday. Unbelievable.

so without further ado here she is....Hannah Elaine.


  1. What a perfect early Christmas present!!! I'm sure she could fit in your stalking;-)

    Make sure you get some nice professional shots of her before 8days old... time flies so quickly... Camille is already chunking up and is 10.5 lbs.

  2. Congratulations! Wonderful news! She's beautiful and you're looking great. I hope you're feeling a lot healthier now, despite being so tired. It was a rough journey for you... :)

  3. Love, love the pictures!! :) Hope you can get some good naps in!!

  4. Hillary. I took her stocking to the hospital and her diaper made her too big for her stocking...gonna try with mine that is a little bigger.

    I am feeling better. Despite booby pain and incision pain. GD seems to have disapeared. we will see with random checks through out the day.

    password: 1211hannahelaine

  5. She is beautiful!!!! I am so happy for you.
    Welcome home Hannah!!!

  6. COngratulations! She is beautiful. I just love the picture of the two of you at the end. Awww...

  7. I'm so glad she's here and it's over! She looks quite a lot like Bug in the top pics and you look so happy but SO exhausted in the last pic. Yay!

  8. So precious! What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!!
