Friday, August 14, 2009

chrysalis magic

Last year all his caterpillar "pets" died. I expected nothing less from this little guy.

I truly thought AJ's caterpillar died . It was lifeless. But I pretended to AJ it was still alive and just sleeping. Not ready to face it's death to a five year old....

But it actually turned into a chrysalis. so excited for him.

When I told him, he said...I know Mommy. I saw it first.

I can't wait till it comes out. yeah.

Simple pleasures. and I didn't have to lie.!!!

1 comment:

  1. that's awesome :)

    oh p.s. your comment on my page the other day made me laugh! about how i'm giving myself shots and my dh is watching espn ;) mine would be watching sports center or the news..
