Wednesday, May 13, 2009

crazy busy

I can't believe how busy it has been. Bug has a social schedule that would rival any teenage girl. T-ball, church choir musical, and prep for preschool graduation. there are even events that over lap and we need to pick which ones to go to which day.

I have a crazy busy day on Friday. U/S first thing in the morning. Then an interview for a job. A job. what is that. I'm nervous, but it will be good if I get it. I dont do well with self motivation at home. I need a schedule of a job to help with staying on top of things at home. Pathetic I know. But there so so much time. I'm like I can do it later. Later comes and I dont do it.

so that is a little bit of what is going on. sorry it so lame. Not much is going on. Just being Mom and a taxi. I love this part of being a mom. seeing Bug grow into a little boy. with activities.

OMG. Did I mention we signed him up for kindergarten on Monday. It was crazy. Cool thing though is that there will be two kids from church choir and our next door neighbor will be in his class. Totally cool. I also learned that he will be picked up at the house instead of the bus stop for the first year. That excites me.


  1. AWESOME about Bug's school class and the bus. He is getting so big :) Nothing I read was lame. LOL Sounds like Bug is having a great time. Being a Mom is awesome :) I can not wait to hear about the u/scoming up :)

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog! Would be good to be pg buddies for the long haul but I'm too uncertain to be sure :S

    take care and all the best for the next ultrasound!


  3. You do sound busy! I hope Friday is a great day for you :-) Thanks for all of your sweet comments - we should know more next Wednesday when she has her next appointment, but thanks for asking. Hope you're having a great day ((hugs))
