Friday, March 27, 2009

sex ed to 5 yo

No freakin way!!! Bug will be in kindergarten this fall. He is so not ready for "the talk". As if talking to five year olds about sex will help teens from not having sex. give me a break.


  1. I have to say I agree with you 100%.

  2. hey I wrote back on my blog, not sure if you check that? But seriously, feel free to leave your opinion even if it isn't the same as mine! I welcome seeing situations through other people's eyes. there's a lot of stuff i left out of my rant, since i basically went online to try and get rid of the anger (didn't work) :)

  3. I agree with you 200% on this.

  4. Surely they'd just be teaching 5 year olds basic stuff such as correct names for body parts? And maybe some very basic egg/sperm/baby stuff?

    I'd have no problem with this sort of stuff for TBB (5 in a couple of weeks), it's nothing we haven't already talked about at home.
